Accessibility Statement

We have made every effort to make this site accessible and easy to use for everyone, no matter what browser you should choose to use, your speed of internet connection or if you suffer from any disabilities.

All pages on this site should be valid to XHTML 1.1 - the site also uses valid CSS (Cascading Styles Sheets).


Wherever possible links are written to make sense out of context enabling browsers such as JAWS, Lynx or Opera to extract a list of links on a page. Wherever possible link text is never duplicated on a page.


All content images used in this site include descriptive ALT attributes. Purely decorative graphics include null ALT attributes.

Visual Design

The site uses cascading style sheets for visual layout.

File Sizes

Web page file sizes are limited to a maximum of 250kb. Downloadable files (in PDF, Microsoft or Open Office formats) are limited to a maximum file size of 500kb. There may be exceptions and if you have any problems downloading files larger than 500kb contact us and we will endeavour to provide alternative methods for accessing the document.


The use of Javascript on the Water Lilies website enhances the customer shopping experience but disabling Javascript within your browser will not affect your use of the website. There are instances where Javascript is used:

  • AJAX is used throughout the site to reduce the need for page loads and speed up the shopping experience, with Javascript disabled the same functionality is undertaken on the server.
  • Each form on the website uses Javascript for data validation. With Javascript disabled, this client side validation will not work and the form will still be submitted successfully and validation will take place on the server.


There is a Contact and Feedback form on the the Water Lilies website and for the benefit of the mobility impaired, the Tab Order has been set to enable tabbing through the form to successive form elements. In addition Access Keys have been used, (again for each form element) beginning with 1 and progressing through the form using consecutive numbers.


This website has been tested in a variety of browsers.

Accessibility Queries

If you have any difficulties using this site that you believe we could address, please let us know. It would be helpful if your e-mail contained the following:

  • The URL(s) (web-address) of the page(s) that you are having difficulties with
  • The nature of your disability
  • A description of the problem area
  • If you have a solution to suggest, please feel free to do so.