At Water Lilies Swimming School we feel extremely blessed that we are able to welcome you all to your swimming lessons and carry on with our sessions. Water Lilies swimming lessons and aquatic fitness sessions are NOT affected by the 'rule of 6'. Thank you all for your support and co-operation with the new systems in place.
Here's a useful update from the CEO of STA following the Prime Minister's announcement on Tuesday 22nd September:
"Swim schools you will be relieved to hear that following on from the Prime Minister’s announcement today, we have received a positive update this evening that swimming lessons will not be classified as ‘indoor team sports’ at this present time. Therefore, learners can continue to take part in organised swimming lessons (including baby and pre-school and adult swimming) and aquatic fitness classes at indoor venues that adhere to COVID secure guidelines.
To clarify – swimming lessons and aquatic fitness sessions:
• Continue to fall into the ‘organised sport’ category, so are exempt from the ‘rule of 6’
• Are not classified as ‘team’ sports
Additionally, the Prime Minister did also confirm today that leisure organisations will now have a legal obligation to follow government guidance – and the good news here is that we’ve already done all the hard work for our members by amalgamating all the government guidance relating to swimming pool / lesson management into one easy-to-read living document
I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief today, and whilst I appreciate some swim schools are still struggling, this really is welcome news for our part of the sector.
Should further information arise, we will keep you updated."
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Very excited to welcome you back to SwimACTiVE at Harleston Pool. Sessions begin week commencing 5th October. Book your place today!
Are you wanting to get back into exercise? Would you like to boost your confidence in the pool or develop your skills? Are you longing to have a blast of lane swimming? Or perhaps not a particularly advanced swimmer but would love to regularly swim?
Now you can! AND receive expert direction and guidance from our brilliant instructor Jordan who will set you goals and tasks - all at your own pace! All swimming abilities welcome.
Low impact. Good for you. Life skill. Join in!
Let's do this!
Harleston Pool
Wednesday 7th Oct @ 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Friday 9th Oct @ 6.00pm - 7.00pm
Weekly 1 hour session (£9)
Book in monthly blocks. Book a block of 3 weeks in October!
We also have private tuition on Tuesdays at 7pm and 7.30pm
1:1 and 2:1. Please ask about this too!
Water Lilies' SwimACTiVE and Private Tuition is suitable for swimmers aged 16years and above. At Harleston Pool.
CALL 01379 740489
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STA Badges and Certificates Update
NEW! When your child passes their badge, rather than hand you a slip at your lesson we are now emailing you directly with a notification.
This email includes information about how to order your official STA certificate and woven badge.
We've also received a fresh delivery of our fantastic zipped awards cases to display and keep your certificates and badges in. Same price £19.99 and free delivery to your lesson. Please email us if you'd like one!
Enjoy your STA Learn to Swim journey!
Best wishes
WLSS Office
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