Now baby is used to the movement of the water Starfish 3 teaches you to encourage them to change their own positions in the water, encourages kicking in the water and starts looking at getting into the water themselves.

What you will learn

  1. Supporting baby under the arms and encouraging baby to gently flop into the water from a sitting position on the poolside.
  2. Encouraging baby to move from front to back positions using a flip-flop rhythmical movement.
  3. Encourage baby to reach for a toy while moving around the pool, supporting baby on the front.
  4. Help baby to move through the water using a kicking action, while supporting baby on the back.
  5. Support baby using the safety hold and roll baby away from you, then gently back towards you.
  6. Using a buoyancy aid to support yourself while floating in the water, with baby laying on your chest or sitting on your tummy making eye contact.